Mental Health Zine
Back in 2023 we launched our first zine, all around the topic of Mental Health. We had just started to bring together a network of voluntary and community sector groups in Rotherham, that were supporting people with their mental health and wellbeing in the Borough.
The zine was a way of promoting this network and the great work of the sector. It was also around starting conversations about mental health and giving out information about support that is available. The zine brought together interviews with leaders from groups, and art work created during workshops around the general theme of "what does your mind look like?"
For the 2024 zine we decided to look at the broad theme of loss and grief. We know it is an area that is still very much a taboo, but affects all our lives. As well as a series of interviews, we gathered artwork and poetry to explore the topic in more detail and it resulted in a beautiful tribute to loved ones. We called it: "It comes in waves."
You can see both zines below by clicking on their covers. We hope you enjoy reading!