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Business meets VCS Event 2025


We hosted our annual business meets VCS event at VAR on Tuesday 25th February.   We welcomed a range of local charities and businesses from across Rotherham.  The event is about bringing the two sectors together in one space, to make connections and look at how they can support work together and support each other.   Feedback has been really positive and we hope that the event results in some great collaborations.  


The theme this year was trustees and we welcomed VAR trustees Jeanette Mallinder and Judy Dalton to the event.   Judy spoke about her own experiences as a trustee, including her role as chair of trustees at Shiloh Rotherham.  It was great to hear first hand experience of someone who’s currently giving up their time and doing that role.   We have lots of trustee vacancies on the var website in the volunteering section.  Being a trustee is a great way of developing your skills at a strategic level.   To find out more about trustee roles and other volunteer roles in Rotherham, please contact Kerry McGrath – Tel:   07716  919416   or E-mail:   


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