Council Plan 2025 focus group.
We are currently consulting on a new Council Plan which will guide our priorities for the coming years and people across the borough have the chance to put across their views on what they think are the biggest challenges and opportunities facing our communities.
As part of this process, we are running two focus groups and would be grateful if you could nominate no more than two members of your group/network to participate in one of these sessions.
The focus groups will now take place on:
Wednesday 16 October 6.00pm – 7.30pm on Microsoft Teams
Wednesday 6 November 2.00pm – 3:30pm in person at Voluntary Action Rotherham (light refreshments to be provided)
The focus groups are part of a continuous dialogue between the Council and key stakeholders to ensure that we have ongoing conversations about what is important to you.
If you are interested in taking part, please register your interest by emailing by Friday 11 October 2024 with the following information:
Email address
Do also let us know if you have any accessibility requirements, so that we can make the necessary arrangements.
It should be noted that registering interest/availability will not guarantee a place as numbers are limited to 20 per session. Your place will be confirmed once you have expressed an interest (subject to availability).
Alternatively, the online survey is available here and will close on 31 October 2024. If you would prefer to contact us directly, please email
In addition to the above, we would welcome your views on the renewal of two other key plans and strategies. These include:
The Safer Rotherham Partnership are asking for views and ideas to make Rotherham a safer place for everyone and identify local priorities for the next three years. The survey is accessible here and the consultation ends on 29 November 2024.
Finally, a survey has been launched to help shape Rotherham’s Housing Strategy for 2025-28. Residents have until 10 November 2024 to share their views. The survey is accessible here.