In partnership with REMA, we have been working on the collective VCS response to the horrific scenes at Manvers recently. We organised a meeting at the Unity Centre where it was agreed that we should collate some of the impact felt in our communities as a result.
To achieve that, please find attached a short form that you can complete to feed in from your groups’ perspective. If you wish to contribute, please could you email it to by the 9th September.
There will also be further meetings as we progress to developing potential interventions. The next meeting will be at the Unity Centre on the 12th September. If you would like to come along then please email to receive an invitation.
We recognise it can be difficult to reach all the groups and communities who will have been impacted, so please do reach out to find out more about how to get involved.
Alongside this we are also continuing to work with stakeholders to align work in this area.